Thursday 26 July 2012

Planes, trains and Cable Cars...

So, I've been neglecting this blog slightly because I'm 'too busy' doing stuff.. Which is true.. But anyway I've got a spare 10 minuets before I board my plane to LAX... So here's an update..

I'm now leaving the very beautiful San Francisco... I arrive feeling very tired, hot and in pain from carrying 3 equally heavy bags... And was without anyway to stay initially due to my original host bailing on me last minuet.. After a check online I found the USA Hostels website.. And their rates were reasonable so I went and booked that..l would have been fun to have found a couch to surf on, but was short on time to find a host...

Anyway.l upon arriving at the civic centre BART station I was thrust into another new city.. With only a rough idea where I was heading, and determined not to hail a cab I made my way through the slightly run down part of town, where it seemed to be suffering from homelessness and in need of some cleaning... Anyway I finally made it up the hills to the hostel.

After dropping off the bags and reducing my back pack to the bare essentials... (iPad, all my camera lens and camera! And a few other bits and bobs) I headed off into the city to see what was what..

At this point I'd like to point out I'd had four hours sleep in NYC... Not much shut eye on the plane and I'd not eaten much more than a bagel. But still I ploughed on and found my self finally at pier 39 (tourist central) where I could wait no more and decided to grab a burger and beer..

I carried on further still and made it almost to the golden gate bridge... But the wind was picking up, clouds rolled in and having changed into shorts I didn't fancy walking much further..

Anyway Wednesday I had a full day in the city and the weather was much better.. So after checking out the Cable Car Museum.. And grabbing a few pics of the cable cars with Alactraz in the background I headed off to a bike rental shop..

After having the usual health and safety type briefing I set off with only one destination in mind... The bridge.

Following the usual tourist trails I made my way there and took plenty of pics along the way...

I stopped for lunch in the town on the other side of the bridge where i then caught the ferry home.. And handed the bike back..

I had then planned to take the cable car from the turn around point back to the other side of town.. But seeing as the que was longer than the total length of steel wire used by the cable car system I decided to head out on foot instead...

I finally found myself ready for food at Pier 3, and had been recommended I try out a place called the plant cafe. Needless to say the service and food was outstanding.. Although I now feel sorry for the people sharing my room last night as my farts were not exactly smelling of roses (sorry I felt that was important)

Right well the plane is boarding now, so I'll update again soon.

Ciao for now


- Posted using BlogPress from my iPad

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