Sunday 29 July 2012

Day 100.. (am)

Today, is technically the start to the trip me and my friend will be taking across america..

It's 100 days till the US Election day, and we've kicked off the trip by making a trip to a Mega Church. That's right, I'm currently sat in a 3000 capacity church (that's a slight guess, but it's big!)

The purpose I guess to get an idea of how Americans chose to reach out to their chosen beliefs.

Now I'm no religious type myself.. But so far it's been an interesting day, seeing how people use this church as a community as well as a place of worship and prayer.

This is my view right now.. The service started with a live band playing a selection of religious themed songs.

I'm now watching a video link (this place is much more high tech than St. Paul's) of the Pastor Rick Warren.

Well I should probably stop using my phone, but I thought I'd take the opportunity to use the free wifi to do a quick post.

Stay tuned for an PM update, as the day is going to be quite bi-polar.. (i think that's the right word?!)

Thanks for reading.


- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone

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