Tuesday 31 July 2012

Day 100 (pm)

So, after a rather religious and rather different way to spend my Sunday Morning, i spent the afternoon in an entirly different manor..

Thats right, i went down to Huntington Beach, CA to check out the Surf Competition..

Needless to say it was pretty freaking awesome.. people were out in force.. surfers were practising for the next rounds..

there was even a dude with a water jet pack..

the place was teaming with girls in bikini's, dude's in swim shorts and people all having a good time.

it really was a very Bi-Polar day..

Well having spent the day there we then needed somewhere to stay... having looked for free overnight parking.. suddenly a phonecall came from Andy's Family Friend's in Camino de Estrella who were happy for us to drive over, feed us and let us stay for the night.. Needless to Say i'm incredibly  to Steve and Dona for their wonderful hospitality!

Well that was day T-100 over..

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