Sunday 30 September 2012

I've Come Full Circle.. Well, Not Quite..

New York, New York. So good they named it twice...

so for those of you that have been following this from the beginning might be thinking "Oh, he's back in NYC. The trip must be over".

Well. You'd be wrong. we are merely just over half way. You see the original plan was to begin here and head west like the settlers of old did those many years ago.

However due to difficulties getting an RV/campervan sorted on the east coast, we ended up starting it there.

So i've been lucky in that i've had two opportunities to visit this wonderful city now. As we were driving in back on Tuesday afternoon i had been thinking to myself.

Will i still be as excited about this city like i was when i first touched down in the states and began my adventure? would the other cities i have visited outshine this metropolis?

The answer: No.
Not. One. Bit.

This city is just one of a kind. Its probably the only US city i can honestly say that holds its own on an International stage. Theres so much going on, so much diversity, so many people. I had always thought the phrase "the city that never sleeps" was an exaggeration. Its really not. Getting on the Subway at 3am, and getting a seat isn't always a safe bet.

I've been asked many times these last few days a fairly similar slew of questions now:

Favourite City: see my top 10 post for this...

Favourite Food Dish: again see the top 10.. although NYC has not let me down yet with its food offerings

What's surprised you the most: many of my previous false convictions of Americans have been completely eroded and i understand the american culture far more now. 

Where are you going next: this always seems to differ from day to day, hour to hour...

How did you find 'the south': three words: Bar-Be-Que

Do you hate each other yet: lolz. No, we've been getting on just find... Laundromat antics always help lighten a dull mood. 

Looking back on the last two months, it really has been quite the adventure. i've really not written down as many of the stories and things we've been upto as i had planned to do.. but hopefully i can recall them all from my head before two many brain cells are desecrated on the next drinking session.

This is most likely to be the last day i spend here in NYC, and i'd like to perhaps go down and visit the famous Coney Island and see whats cracking there.. i've been slack lately with my fickr uploads and as we speak i'm only just uploading Baltimore.

I also need to get myself some business cards printed with details of my blog, instagram, twitter, etc so that i can direct more people to what we're doing.

If you are reading this and you dont know me personally or even if you do, please visit our website and although in german you can also follow us on FB and Twitter for more info and updates on the Political side of this trip.

Brooklyn Bridge. Gateway to Manhattan.

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