Sunday 12 August 2012

Sunday Morning Ritual.

Just gona start off by saying, I know I should blog about what I got up to in Arizona and New Mexico before talking about things I've done in Texas. But, I'm in the mood to do a quick blog post, so here it goes.

As part of the trip, Andreas wants to visit some churches along the way, every Sunday. When I say church, I'm not talking your little local chapel, steeped in history, adorned with pictures of Jesus and other saints.

No, I'm talking about the American phenomenon the 'Mega Church'. These places typically seat thousands (and that's no exaggeration) of worshipers into these almost stadium like buildings.

We've done two proper Mega churches so far, Saddleback and now The Potters House.

I myself do not like to say I'm atheist nor do I belong to any form of religion. I believe I can live my life without the need to pray, or place faith in a mysterious being/ force that 'has planned out my path in life'.

The experience so far has been interesting from the view point of someone who's not sucked into these mild cults. I use the word cult, only because I feel the way the bible is delivered to the people is done in a way that has people hooked on the Pastors every word.

I'm not writing this with the view to offend any who come
Across it. So far readership of this blog is probably confined to those I know and a few who stumble across it by chance.

I posted this picture just now to Instagram.

This was what I wrote below it:
"I believe in Science. That's not to say I'm against religion and those who believe it. I live by the saying "each to their own". This morning, we visited a place of worship. I'm hesitant to say 'church' because in America there are places some call 'mega churches' where thousands come every Sunday to celebrate god. My travel buddy is doing a dissertation on these mega churches, hence our visit.. Today's visit I found the most intense so far.. Ive never witnessed anything quite like it in my life. I'm doing my best here not to offend anyone, but in all honesty I can not find any enjoyment or reason to spend my time in these sort of places, or for that matter put so much faith in this all powerful 'God'. This post may well loose me 'followers' but at the end of the day I'm not asking anyone to give 15% of all their earnings to my 'feed' to say thanks for the enjoyment you may or may not get from my pictures.... This has turned into a rant I think.. Well I'd be interested to hear your views on religion as a whole. I'm not singling out Christians or American Christians in this post... Like I say, everyone is entitled to believe in what ever they please... But I personally think that I can find enjoyment, happiness, comfort, relief, and everything else that religion 'offers' in the way I live my life.... Ok I'll stop rambling now. Happy Sunday Everyone. Normal Service will now be resumed! "

That was aimed more at the Instagram crowd, but I think it conveys my thoughts on the whole idea of these places, and religion as a whole quite well.

Well that's all for now, going to try and get my pictures from previous destinations on Flickr then do another blog post.

Thanks for reading


- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone

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